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Ohio Elite Seminoles Football Tackle Registration Closes Soon!!!!

Ohio Elite Winter Track Registration Open Soon

Ohio Elite Athletics

Ohio Elite Athletics offers student athletes ages 5 to 17 years old an opportunity to learn and grow through various sports. We focus on athletic, social, academic, and emotional growth in our student athletes. Our 6th through 8th grade student athletes are exposed to the top private schools in the city. High school athletes are assisted in the college selection and athletic scholarship process. 


Youth Wrestling Registration Opens Soon

Omar  Williams

Omar Williams

Director of Athletics

Phone: 216-798-1788

Why it's a must for HS football players to run track!!!!!

Sponsored by Great Lakes Physical Medicine

Great Lakes Physical Medicine

Visit Website

Dr. Eric Wolk, DC, CCSP

25200 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 103

Beachwood, OH 44122

(216) 302-0947

Is your kid playing the right sport?

How wrestling makes you a better football player.

Want to play sports in college

Building Mental Toughness